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Worth Their Weight in Gold
An African man who has devoted his life to protecting a huge tropical rainforest and two aboriginal Australian women who have fought against a uranium mine are among the winners of the Goldman Environmental Prizes to be awarded today. The prestigious annual prizes honor grass-roots environmentalists from six continents; winners receive $125,000. Other winners this […]
Not Just Fueling Around
DaimlerChrysler and Ford are teaming up with oil companies, a fuel-cell firm, and the state of California to build a demonstration fleet of as many as 45 fuel-cell cars and buses by 2001. The test program is seen as a big step forward in making the technology widely available. Meanwhile, GM and Toyota today will […]
Clean Air: Maybe in Time for Y3K
The EPA is planning to make states clean up the air in national parks — though under the current plan, they wouldn’t be held accountable until 2064. Regulations to be announced by Pres. Clinton, perhaps as early as Earth Day this Thursday, would require states to assess their haze problems, develop cleanup plans by 2008, […]
Attack Dog for Buddy Gore
Pres. Clinton went to bat for Vice Pres. Al Gore on Friday, vigorously defending him against charges from environmental groups that he has slacked off on addressing climate change. In a letter to the heads of enviro groups, Clinton wrote, “No one has done more over the past decade to mobilize action against climate change […]
Ozone Odd Couple
From the strange bedfellows file: Left-leaning Ozone Action and pro-business Competitive Enterprise Institute agree on something. Sort of. The two groups occupy polar opposite ends of a hybrid coalition lined up to oppose a bill before the U.S. Senate that would give credits to companies that voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions in advance of Kyoto […]
The Dow Passes 10,000 — Hooray?
Wow! The Dow Jones average is over 10,000! And still, as of this writing, rising. Judging from the media celebration, here is proof positive that America is thriving. But who or what is actually thriving? There are two ways to answer that question. One is to travel around America — all of it, the inner […]
Denis Hayes, Earth Day Network
Denis Hayes is president and chair of the Earth Day Network, which this week is launching an Earth Day 2000 campaign focusing on global warming and energy use. Hayes was the national coordinator for the first Earth Day in 1970 and now earns his keep as president of the Bullitt Foundation in Seattle. Grist, not […]